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    Performance of Low Noise InGaAs detector

    In recent years, a worldwide growing demand for Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) imaging has increased dramatically. The requirement for such imagers span military, space and commercial applications. The ideal SWIR detector realizes low power, small size, and low noise, capable of imaging under a wide range of illuminations from daylight to starlight, with on-die advanced imaging capabilities, such as high dynamic range (HDR) and active imaging. In this paper we present a new 640x512/15μm InGaAs focal plane array (FPA) specifically developed for low noise (LN) applications. The detector temperature is stabilized by a thermoelectrical cooler (TEC) typically at 20 C demonstrating...
    • O. Ofer
    • R. Elishkov
    • R. Friedman
    • I. Hirsh
    • L. Langof
    • M. Nitzani
    • Y. Reem
    • C. Jakobson
    • I. Pivnik
    • E. Louzon
    • R. Fraenkel
    • B. Milgrom
    • I. Shtrichman

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